1. salem. ohk [ohk 7"]
2. palm trees. you can have whatever you like [demo]
3. teengirl fantasy. floor to floor [T.G.I.F. EP]
4. city center. gladest [city center]
5. spirit spine. trickledown [spirit spine]
6. street beat. one by one [demo]
7. fluffy lumbers. cruisers [gradeschool fantasy]
8. intelligence. pony people [fake surfers]
9. rapid youth. big growl [3" split w/ no paws (no lions)]
10. jeffrey lewis & the junkyard. if life exists? [em are i]
11. silver jews. black and brown blues [the natural bridge]
12. sonic youth. sacred trixter [the eternal]
13. turtle ambulance. antelopes [demo]
14. transformation surprise. i love all you guys [demo]
15. patten. never never [there were horizons]
16. naked on the vague. chit chat [chit chat 7"]
17. russian tsarlag. hair world [community death tube]
18. pink priest. a peach from hell [they died in their pool]
19. gold panda. quitters raga [quitters raga 7"]
20. atlas sound. time warp [time warp 7"]
21. magic kids. hey boy [hey boy 7"]
22. wounded knee. atlanta [shimmering new vistas]
23. vibes. night court [psychic 7" bside]
24. arch m. mountain tan [mountain tan commercials]
25. brilliant colours. takes so little [highly evolved 7"]
26. frat dad. morning tape [morning tape demos]
27. peepholes. stop picking on aretha pudding [stop picking on aretha pudding EP]
28. roseanne barrr. akira [demo]
29. gentle friendly. ride around shining [rcrd lbl download]
Start-Up 2022
2 years ago