1. clark 8. raised by sharks (technoxplosion mix) [school of expression]
2. c powers. pashuniv [new]
3. best hits. fantastic lands 2 [new]
4. speculator. we don't give a shit [speculator]
5. dirty projectors. ascending melody [temecula sunrise]
6. animal collective. what would i want sky [fall be kind ep]
7. grouper. pale through [split with xela]
8. sleep whale. green echo [houseboat]
9. twins. tuesday afternoon [split cassette w/ luke perry]
10. brother jozef. those hands still give me mercy [demo]
11. cloud nothings. hey cool kid [cloud nothings]
12. small black. despicable dogs [played this heaps oopsss]
13. dreamers cloth. I [album]
14. obsidian pond. swamp [right now]
15. oneohtrix point never. ruined lives [ruined lives]
16. ducktails. play in the sun [dept store santas cover]
17. haunted houses. we are the jackson whites [demo]
18. dublin duck dispensary. whistling/cartoons [yykes basket]
19. cas kaplan. the face that you made [an endless ocean of stars]
20. best coast. that's the way boys are [sun was high bside 7"]
21. procedure club. early hospital [beko 09 online digital singles]
22. mammal airlines. emily 2.0 [demo]
23. soror dolorosa. thousand clucks [severance]
24. pompeii. actual locks [new weird australia vol. 3]
25. sloppy tender. soaked sheets [big dream time]
26. lashes. sunny skies [fla/clan destine cassette]
27. the beex. beat beat [beat beat 7"]
Start-Up 2022
2 years ago